A R de Mesquita, C A S França & M A Corrêa
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo - Brazil.
The correlation coefficient, ,
is shown to depend on the ratio of two variances and then invariant on
the inclination
of the
regression line relative to the co-ordinated axes. Also invariant with
the inclination
is the
mean distance l of the discrete data points to the regression straight
line.. Analysis of these coefficients (
and l ) and their invariance with rotation of the Cartesian co-ordinate
system, from synthetic series, allowed the definition of a variable F
x l, that is also
invariant and may be taken as a constant which characterises each of the
constrained planetary series and, in consequence, the F distribution of
the entire set of PSMSL sea level series.
Trends, Regression and Distances
This communication explores relationships between parameters of time
series data, such as trends,
= tan(
) , distances l
of data points to the regression line, Fig 1, and correlations
with the aim of better understanding the geophysical information in a set
of PSMSL ( Permanent Service for the Mean Sea Level) of IAPSO, ( International
Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans)) sea level series
(Spencer & Woodworth, 1993), evenly distributed around the oceans,
taken here as a planetary data set. These series take values of trend
that appear to be physically constrained by the planet Earth, relative
to its surface, to maximum values, say ,within
1.1 radians, as the planet, in the scale of years, does not change its
volume, or shape abruptly.
Fig. 1 - The regression line and its generating points (black spots).
is the distance of the point X(xi, yi), i=1,...,n,
to the straight line. Its projection on the straight line X(xri,
yri) is represented by a white square
is the inclination of the straight line relative to the x axis.
Free from these constraints 5,500 noisy ordinary time series, with 5
to 60 equivalent years lengths, were built, forced to acquire
values within about
and from them, the distances l, (the proximity of the data points
to the straight line) and also the correlation coefficients
(the collinearity of the data points along the straight line) were calculated
. Similarly, the distance l, in mm, the correlation coefficients
and, the corresponding trends
in mm/year, from real mean annual values of 837 planetary series, with
different lengths, greater than 5 years, were calculated .
Collinearity and Proximity
The expressions usually utilised to express the data points were the
distance l = (y(ti) - yri(ti))cos(),
Fig 1, in terms of
the Cartesian axes, the expressions of
in terms of the covariance (COV) of the points on the regression line (
yri(ti) =
ti +
), and
the actual data points y(ti), divided by the variance
and also the collinearity coefficient
expressed in terms of the same covariance (COV), divided by the product
of the standard deviations of
i = 1,2,3,.......,n. (n = number of points of each series). The ratio of
these standard deviations is shown to be a constant independent of the
as also are the
distances l of the geometrical points to the regression line, i.e.
their proximity to the line.
Results show that, while for the synthetic series collinearity
is independent of the values of the
as shown in Fig 2, the whole set of real series have values
that seem to be dependent of the trend
The plot of
for PSMSL series, Fig 3, revealed a linear dependence, that should have
not followed either
, as in fact they seem to be doing. This is interpreted as the unveiling
of an Earth's action, that is imposed on the set of PSMSL planetary sea
level series that is not seen from an individual series and requires the
whole set of series to be detected and measured.
The F Distribution
As l, the distances (mm) and and
the correlation for a given planetary series, are both independent of the
(mm/year), a function
= l x
(mm) is defined,
that is independent of the equivalent
which is, apparentely , also another characteristic of mass and gravity
planetary series. The distribution curve of F may have, with the
glaciations, an evolving timely constant shape, that is a characteristic
of the Planet Earth, where in Fig 4, few identified ports of Africa, Europe
and the Americas, should hold in the present days, relatively permanent
positions as Takoradi, F = -11.14 mm; San Francisco, F = 14.95 mm; Balboa,
F = 8.77 mm; Antofagasta, F = - 3.35 mm ; Cananeia, F = 4.56 mm and others.
Concluding Remarks
The correlation coefficient ,
taken as a measure of collinearity, and the mean distance l, taken
as a measure of proximity of the discrete data points to the regression
straight line, in time series, are both invariant on the inclination
of the regression line relative to the co-ordinated axes and in consequence
their product.
The invariance of F = x
values (mm) means that they are not dependent of trends
(mm/year) for each series. This causes the distribution of F values
also to be independent of
which may be useful to examine aspects of the planet Earth that only arise
from the study of world wide, evenly distributed planetary time series,
as the set of PSMSL data.
We are grateful to Dr Philip Woodworth , Dr Ian Vassie and Robert and Elaine Spencer of POL (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory), Liverpool, UK.
Jenkins, G M & Watts, D G , 1968 . Spectral Analysis and its Applications. Holden Day, London..523 p..
Spencer E N & Woodworth P L. 1993. Data Holdings of the Permanent Service for the Mean Sea Level. Bidston . Birkenhead. Merseyside, L437RA, UK. 81p.